Category Archives: LCIF

China earthquake – urgent appeal for help

Dear Lions,

On Sunday, a terrible tragedy occurred. A large earthquake struck the Yunnan Province of China. Authorities estimate that nearly 600 people have lost their lives from the Zhaotong
earthquake, with an additional 2,800 people injured across several counties. Even more people are missing. It is estimated that more than 25,500 homes were completely destroyed, with an even higher number of houses damaged.

Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) immediately awarded a US$250,000 Major
Catastrophe Grant with money from the disaster relief fund, allowing Lions in affected areas to
immediately begin providing assistance. These funds will help meet immediate needs by
providing food, water, medicine, blankets and other necessities as quickly as possible. The funds will also support long-term reconstruction and recovery.

With approximately 21,000 Lions members in China, many of our fellow Lions have been directly impacted by this disaster. We must help them as they provide relief and assistance to their affected communities. I encourage you to consider making a donation to the Foundation for disaster relief. Donations to the disaster relief fund are Melvin Jones Fellowship eligible and can make a real difference in times of need.

DONATE NOW (and make a difference)

Thank you for your support.
Barry J. Palmer
Chairperson, Lions Clubs International Foundation

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